Years of planning culminate in The Longest Day, the long-awaited invasion begins with the assault on the beaches of Normandy; D-Day 6th June 1944...
The longest day
Normandy, 6 June 1944. The Allies undertake the largest and most ambitious amphibious landings in history to return the fight to western Europe.
Re-create the turning point of the war, that allowed the Allies to gain a foothold in Europe and which was to set the stage for the Axis downfall.
This set contains:
- 2x LCVP landing craft
- 1x AT/Flak bunker
- 1x Coastal Defence bunker
- 2x German Pak 40 ATG (for inside the bunkers)
- Craters/shell holes
- 1x Duplex Drive Sherman with lowered screens
- 32x plastic US Infantry
- 16x plastic German Grenadiers
- 2x MG 42 MMG teams
- 4x US Army casualties
- 2x US Engineers carrying Bangalore torpedoes
- 2x MMG sandbag emplacements
- Set of battlefield accessories
- 2m of barbed wire
The Longest Day. D-Day Battle-Set
Scale: 28mm - 1/56th
54 Infantry
3 Vehicles
4 Artillery Pieces/War Machines
14 Crew
Plastic ResinMetal Parts
Made to Order
While we hold as much stock as possible, on occasion this product may need to be cast especially for you by our expert staff. If your order includes this item, it may take a few more days before we ship it.
Requires Assembly
This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included. Decals not provided.